Donn Feir CICD Research Fellow (former)
University of Victoria
Content by Donn
Understanding the Unequal Costs of Native American Homeownership
March 8, 2024Research
How do Native Americans view data sharing by tribal governments?
July 20, 2023Article
When Do Nations Tax? The Adoption of Property Tax Codes by First Nations in Canada
February 2, 2023Research
Native American “Deaths of Despair” and Economic Conditions
September 21, 2022Research
Data from a Native CDFI yield new insights on wealth gap in Indian Country
August 3, 2022Article
The Tribal Digital Divide: Extent and Explanations
June 27, 2022Research
Native Americans consistently report more chronic distress than other groups
January 20, 2022Article
Doing business in Indian Country
January 10, 2022Article
The Promise of Economic Integration: Evidence from the First Bank in an American Indian Nation
November 30, 2021Research
Center for Indian Country Development research reveals depth of tribal digital divide
September 1, 2021Article