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Weber recognized for leading effort supporting community bank compliance

Minneapolis, July 15, 2022

Weber recognized for leading effort supporting community bank compliance

Stephanie Weber

Stephanie Weber, a supervisory examiner in Supervision, Regulation, and Credit (SRC), has been named a 2021 recipient of the William Taylor Award for excellence in bank supervision by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.

Weber was recognized for her work supporting the Federal Reserve System’s rollout of two Current Expected Credit Losses (CECL) compliance tools for small banks. As the project manager, Weber played a pivotal role in advancing both CECL tools from prototype to production.

“Stephanie’s effort in the creation and launch of these tools directly reduces the burden on smaller community banks, while promoting safe and sound banking practices,” said Christine Gaffney, senior vice president of SRC.

The William Taylor Award represents the supervision function’s highest and most prestigious honor. Inspired by Taylor’s integrity and service to the Federal Reserve System, the award recognizes those individuals who have demonstrated sustained and extraordinary achievement and professionalism in the performance of their responsibilities.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis is one of 12 regional Reserve Banks that, with the Board of Governors in Washington, D.C., make up the Federal Reserve System, the nation’s central bank. The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis is responsible for the Ninth Federal Reserve District, which includes Montana, North and South Dakota, Minnesota, northwestern Wisconsin, and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis participates in setting national monetary policy, supervises numerous banking organizations, and provides a variety of payments services to financial institutions and the U.S. government.