How Minnesota’s public education system serves Asian American students varies by income level.
Share of students showing proficiency on Minnesota state tests
Results include both MCA and MTAS assessments. Due to COVID-19, no 2020 results are available. Each year, a small number of publicly reported assessment records are from students whose eligibility status for free or reduced-price meals is undetermined; these records total fewer than 250 statewide annually, and their maximum potential impact on the numbers shown above is less than ±1%. Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis calculations using Minnesota Department of Education’s Minnesota Report Card and 2016–2021 files.
Share of students showing college readiness on college entrance exam benchmarks
ACT results reported by race and household income combined are not publicly available. Source: ACT Graduating Class Database.
Share of students graduating high school
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis calculations using Minnesota Department of Education’s Minnesota Report Card and 2016–2022 files.
Share of students enrolled in any post-high school program
Data for graduating classes that do not yet reflect a 16-month post-high school enrollment period are considered preliminary. Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis calculations using Minnesota Department of Education’s Minnesota Report Card (current, May 2022) and 2016–2022 files.
1 in 15 students in Minnesota’s public schools identifies as Asian American.
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis calculations using Minnesota Department of Education 2016–2022 files.
Within 30 years, the Asian American community in Minnesota will be over 600,000 strong.
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, State Population by Characteristics 2010–2019 (historical estimates); Minnesota State Demographic Center (projections).
Asian Americans in Minnesota’s workforce and economy
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis calculations using U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey Public Use Microdata Series, 2019 file.