A clear theme emerges when Alene Tchourumoff reflects on her career: She is driven by listening to and serving underserved communities.
“We’re here to support communities to thrive—and that’s such a privilege,” she said.
Alene is senior vice president for Community Development and Engagement at the Minneapolis Fed. In this role, she leads the Bank’s efforts to promote economic opportunity for low- and moderate-income people and for those living in Indian Country.
For her dedication to area communities, Alene was named a 2020 Women in Business honoree by the Minneapolis-St. Paul Business Journal.

Alene has a long history of serving people both in and beyond the Twin Cities. Early in her career, she worked in China and Southeast Asia on public policy and public health initiatives, including combating HIV/AIDS. As Hennepin County planning director, she led transportation planning for bikes, pedestrians, and freight, including adopting the county’s first bicycle and pedestrian plans. During her time at the Metropolitan Council, she convened city and county officials to fund a new shelter for people experiencing homelessness.
For Alene, even one person left behind is too many. “If any member of our society or community is not thriving, then we’re missing out on an opportunity,” she said.
This philosophy continues to inspire her work. Over the past several months, she has been leading the Bank’s outreach and listening sessions on a constitutional amendment proposed by former Minnesota State Supreme Court Justice Alan Page and Neel Kashkari. The amendment seeks to close achievement gaps for children of color and those from low-income families. She is also in dialogue with Minneapolis city officials on inclusionary zoning and with business leaders and employees about an increase to the state minimum wage.
“We were lucky to hire Alene a year and a half ago, and she immediately brought tremendous intellect, commitment to community and our public mission, and leadership to our community development function and the Bank as a whole,” said Ron Feldman, Minneapolis Fed first vice president. “This award recognizes what is clear to anyone who gets the honor of working with Alene.”
Alyssa Augustine oversees social media and digital engagement, leads the Bank's content strategy, and manages media relations for President Neel Kashkari and other Bank leaders. An experienced TV journalist, Alyssa also contributes articles to the Bank's website and publications.