The Minneapolis Fed’s only branch is in Helena, Montana. It opened on Feb. 1, 1921, with a staff of 36, thanks to Norman B. Holter, a Helena businessman and member of the Minneapolis Board of Directors, who single-handedly campaigned for its establishment.
Since then, the Helena Branch’s impact has grown. Today, our 60 employees work in the Cash, Human Resources, Law Enforcement, Bank Supervision and Public Affairs departments.
Among other duties and functions, they:
- Gather data about current economic conditions from Montana business and community leaders to inform Bank leadership on setting monetary policy.
- Provide cash and coin to banks in the greater Montana region.
- Educate the community about our economy and central banking through tours, classroom programs, and outreach.
Like other branches across the Federal Reserve System, the Helena Branch has its own five-member board of directors. They share their perspectives on economic conditions with Bank leadership, and they also serve as liaisons between the Fed and their communities.
If you’d like a free tour of the Helena Branch, please email us at helenatours@mpls.frb.org.