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Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
January 2024


The Strategy and Risk Committee is a permanent committee of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis (Bank) as specified in the Bank’s bylaws. The Committee provides input on the Bank’s strategy and risk management activities and makes recommendations to the full Board for action.


The Strategy and Risk Committee is composed of three or more Bank directors who serve during the calendar year or until their successors are appointed. The deputy chair of the Board typically serves as chair of the Strategy and Risk Committee. One or more members of the Board of Directors of the Helena Branch may serve as a liaison to the committee as desired by the committee chair.

Two members of the Strategy and Risk Committee constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and action of the Committee is upon vote of a majority of those present at any meeting of the Committee.


The Strategy and Risk Committee meets periodically to review and provide input on the Bank’s strategic direction and risk assessment and mitigation activities.


The Strategy and Risk Committee’s specific responsibilities are outlined below. They include providing input on:

  1. The Bank’s strategic direction, including monitoring progress toward strategic goals.
  2. The Bank’s risk management and compliance activities, including the risk management program and reviewing key risks and risk mitigants and significant risk events.
  3. The strategies regarding the Bank’s engagement in System activities and reviewing risks associated with operations and activities consolidated at or provided by other Reserve Banks.
  4. The strategies and risks regarding the Bank’s public engagement and public policy analysis.
  5. Any other significant strategies or risks that may be identified from time to time.