Terry J. Fitzgerald Vice President & Assistant Director, Economic Analysis (former)
We serve the public by pursuing a growing economy and stable financial system that work for all of us.
We examine economic issues that deeply affect our communities.
The Band Pass Filter
2003 | International Economic Review, 44(2): 435-465 | With Lawrence J. Christiano
Previously: NBER Working Paper No. 7257
Inflation and Monetary Policy in the Twentieth Century
2003 | Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Economic Perspectives 27(1), 22-45 | With Lawrence J. Christiano
Understanding the Fiscal Theory of the Price Level
2000 | Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Economic Review, 36(2): 1-37 | With Lawrence J. Christiano
The Business Cycle: It's Still a Puzzle
1998 | Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Economic Perspectives 22(4), 56-83 | With Lawrence J. Christiano
Work Schedules, Wages, and Employment in a General Equilibrium Model with Team Production
1998 | Review of Economic Dynamics, 1(4): 809-834
An Introduction to the Search Theory of Unemployment
1998 | Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Economic Review, 34(3): 2-15
Inventories and the Business Cycle: An Overview
1997 | Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Economic Review, 33(3): 11-22
Reducing Working Hours
1996 | Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Economic Review, 32(4): 13-22
Banking in Computable General Equilibrium Economies
1992 | Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 16(3-4): 533-559 | With Edward C. Prescott, Javier Díaz-Giménez, and Fernando Alvarez
A Simple Way to Estimate Current-Quarter GNP
1989 | Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Quarterly Review 1343 | With Preston J. Miller